‟… as any writer will tell you, one of the hardest things is to write in a way that sounds authentic – that sounds like you.”
I’m Lee Carter, a writer, editor and author from the northern suburbs of Sydney, Australia, where the bush and the beaches are never far away. After a fresh-air childhood, I’m blessed to live so close to the natural world.
For as long as I can remember I’ve loved words and all the wonderful things that words can do. It seems I got the writing bug as soon as I learned to read, and I’ve been writing ever since. I began with poetry – it rhymed, of course – and progressed to a silent movie screenplay (long story!) and two novels begun with great enthusiasm in my early teens and never finished.

These days I work hard on my craft, because writing is important to me and I want to keep improving. And as any writer will tell you, one of the hardest things is to write in a way that sounds authentic – that sounds like you.
But what really gets me up in the morning is my relationship with God through Jesus. He is the centre of my life – he shepherds, shapes and sustains me. And when I read his Spirit-breathed words in the Bible, my love of words and my appreciation of their power only increases.
I hope I never get over the astounding truth that God used words to bring this universe into existence, and that through the Word – his Son Jesus – he brings salvation to sinners everywhere. He really is the God who speaks.
I was married for 23 years to my wonderful husband, Paul. He’s been with the Lord for over ten years now, but together we had two courageous and creative children. These days I have a lovely daughter-in-law too! Besides being passionate about reading, writing, following Jesus and being a mum, I love to think, garden, make music, walk, do Pilates, enjoy creation and have coffee & conversation with friends.